Friday, May 7, 2010

Romeo and Juliet

The play was funny, and I thought that after seeing the play, I could finally understand it. ( Because honestly, dissecting a book for literary devices only makes it more confusing).
I totally agree with you. I thought the play was hilarious and the characters played the parts very well. It helped me understand the play itself more, too. Some parts I didn't understand before I understood once I watched the play. Their humor deffinatly did help our immature grade be interested in the play. I really want to see it again. Haha.
I thought the play was kinda funny also and i really enjoyed watching it. class would have been so boring if i went to it. The actors were prettyy funny too.
I also liked the Romeo and Juliet play. When I was reading the book, it was very boring and depressing. I thought that the play would be the same, but the actors brought comedy into the play, which made it much more enjoyable.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Romeo and Juliet

The play was a very interesting play and I also enjoyed it. The play was filled with plenty of humor. I also did not like the book while I was reading it. It bored me and after I saw the play I was capable of putting the pieces together and understanding what actually happened. The actors were tremendous and they seemed like they put a lot of hard work into making this play. They did have a small crew but they played great.

The play

It was nice to get out of class to see this play, it was pretty funny too. But sadly just a week before that i had gone with my best friend to see the exact same play not knowing that we were gonna see it in school! But it was a good play so i didn't mind seeing it again. I thought the character Romeo was a horrible actor though, juliet was good.
I thought the play was pretty funny too and really enjoyed watching it. Class sucks compared to it

Romeo and Juliet: the play at WMCHS

This year or English class at WMCHS, the freshman class saw the play, Romeo and Juliet. This play was not what I was expecting. I was expecting to see another boring play that everyone would just sleep through, but that is not what I saw. The cast was small but very funny and they played the characters well. I was surprised to see how good they were and how hilarious the actual play was. When I first read the play in my English class, I absolutely hated it. I didn't think it was funny whatsoever but seeing the play I finally understood the humor. Because of the play I feel like I get the play. The play was fun for freshman because let's face it, we are an extremely immature grade. The actors acted very immaturely and I'm pretty sure everyone had a good time. The play was great and afterwords I didn't want to go back to class. It was a fun and educational experience.